Prescott Valley Little League Boundary

Written Boundary Description
Prescott Valley Little League Boundaries are north of Hwy 89A, 1.5 miles past the end of Coyote Springs Road to include Viewpoint, Coyote Springs, Coyote Crest, Poquito Valley, Pronghorn, Mingus West, Legend Hills, Mingus Meadows, Prescott Ridge, and Antelope Meadows East to the foot of Mingus Mountain. East Borders are Fain Rd. Not to include Prescott Country Club and Quailwood - these are in the Agua Fria Little League Boundary. West to include Diamond Valley and south to include Walker.
Live or attend school in the PVLL Boundary?
You are all set - check out our registration page to get signed up! Use the League Finder Tool above to verify your residence or school address. If you live & attend school outside of the boundary then you will register with your home league (Prescott, Chino Valley, Agua Fria).
Lived and played Little League in Prescott Valley last year
If you lived and played Little League within the PVLL boundary last year but have since moved out of the boundary, you can fill out a waiver to request that you still be allowed to play on a PVLL team.
If you live outside of the boundary but your child attends school inside of the boundary, your child is able to play in the Prescott Valley Little League. Please fill out a School Enrollment Form and submit with your registration.